día 1

Temprano en la mañana recojo del hotel. Traslado a Estambul

Vuelo a Éfeso. Recojo del aeropuerto y continuación a la ciudad antigua;

Éfeso Antigua ciudad,  un ejemplo excepcional de una ciudad portuaria romana, con canal marítimo y cuenca portuaria. Era helénico y el imperio romano. Éfeso fue económica, geográfica, política y culturalmente significativa. Muchos filósofos clásicos famosos que vivieron en la ciudad de Éfeso.

Luego, ingrese por la puerta de Magnesia y comience una caminata lenta cuesta abajo con su guía. Su ruta lo lleva al Odeon (sala de conciertos), The Baths of Varius (utilizado como gimnasio), Prytaneion (oficinas administrativas también donde se celebraban ceremonias religiosas, recepciones oficiales y banquetes), Agora (mercado comercial de Éfeso), The Temple de Adriano (dedicado al emperador Adriano, Artemisa y el pueblo de Éfeso), la Fuente de Trajano (construida para el honor del emperador Trajano) y el Gran Teatro. El teatro tenía capacidad para 24,000. Pablo predicó a los efesios y lo usó hoy para un festival local de primavera.

Celsus Library, the most distinctive building and one of the most photographed structure that is commonly associated with Ephesus. It was erected by Gaius Julius Aquila(son of Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus). Assumed that the constrcution was completed in 117 A.D. It is made of very good marble and decorated with figures of Eros, Nike, rosettes and garlands in relief.

Hose of Virgin Mary, is close to the peak of Bülbül Mountain, one of the hills overlooking Selçuk. After the death of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary had gone to Ephesus with Saint John and lived here since then on until her death at the age of 101.Thus this church is an important pilgrimage center for Christians. There is also a spring believed to be healing. The Popes Paul VI and Jean Paul II visited this house. The House of Virgin Mary is declared to be sacred and an important pilgrimage spot visited by Christians from all over the world.

The Temple of Artemis, was in its day the largest in the world, eclipsing even the Parthenon at Athens, and thus earning a spot on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Only one of its original 127 columns remains, often as not topped by a stork’s nest; a poignant testament to the transitory nature of human achievement. Still  it is a lovely tranquil place, the enormous pillar giving you some indication of the vast size of temple.

Isa Bey Mosque, with the order of Aydinogullari Emirate Isa Bey, was built in 1375. It is a nice sample of Seljuk Turkish architecture. It is on the western side of Ayasuluk Hill on which stand the fortress and the church of Saint John.

End of tour transfer to airport for flight back to Istanbul. Upon arrival transfer to Hotel .