journée 1
Jour 1 Départ quotidien de 8h30 à 12h00 et de 13h30 à 17h00
City Walls, l'ancienne péninsule d'Istanbul, est entourée d'un triangle. Les murs, d'une longueur d'environ 22 km, remontent au Ve siècle à l'époque romaine.
To Golden Horn by bus , approximately 8 km long, narrow horn shape divides the European shore into two. Since it is a natural port, Byzantine and Ottoman Navies and those interested in commercial shipping gathered there. At sunset the water’s colour turns into gold and today the shores are surrounded by pleasant parks and walking paths.
Spice Bazaar(Egyptian Bazaar), the second biggest closed bazaar of Istanbul. It was named Valide Bazaar when it was first founded but it was named the Mısır Çarşısı(The Egyptian Bazaar), due to the many types od spice sold there, it is known as the Spice Bazaar by foreign tourists. Beside spices and natural herbs, describing Spice Market, it is always possible to find various kinds of fresh dried fruit.
Boat trip on the Bosphorus, an amazing cruise between the two continents, Europe and Asia. The Bosphorus that connects Black Sea with Marmara Sea and seperates Asia and Europe, is the apple of the World with its unique natural beauty. The Asian and European shores of the Bosphorus are embellished with beautiful waterside residences.
The Rumeli Fortress(from the sea, no interior visit), was built in 1452 in order to prevent aid and reinforcement from the Black Sea during the siege of Istanbul. It was restored and turned into a museum in 1950’s. Hisariçi(Inside the fortress) is often used as an open air theatre.